The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth II
Part Four Chapter One - Lifting the Veil
"In the earthly liturgy we share in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy which is celebrated in the Holy City of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle. With all the warriors of the heavenly army we sing a hymn of glory to the Lord..." (CCC no. 1090)
The Mass doesn't just mirror the worship in Heaven, it is our participation RIGHT NOW with the worship in Heaven! Every week we proclaim that we believe in "the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic church, the communion of saints..." I remember when I finally understood fully what that means. Those believers who are no longer on earth with us are not DEAD, they are ALIVE in Christ! If I ask my friends on earth to pray for me, how much more effectual are the prayers of the glorified righteous who no longer have their sinful flesh hindering their prayers? St John heard the voice say "Come up here" and in the liturgy the priest says, "Lift up your hearts!" In the fifth century, St Cyril of Jerusalem wrote, " that awesome hour, we should have our hearts on high with God, and not below, thinking of earth and earthly things. The priest bid all in that hour to dismiss all cares of this life, our household worries, and to have their hearts in heaven with the merciful God."
Chapter Two - Worship is Warfare
In the first century, the Jews believed that Messiah would come and conquer Rome and anyone else and establish the Kingdom in a political sense. Most apocalyptic literature portrays the Second Coming of Christ as one where Jesus descends to earth riding a white horse and crushing all His enemies. I never stopped to look at the fact that his army is dressed in white linen (hardly bulletproof!) and He is fighting with the sword "coming out of his mouth." He's preaching them the Truth, not lobbing off their heads! But the Truth is to their destruction.
Hahn says, "Coming to know God, we will come to know what infinite strength and resources we can call upon in battle. So we should prepare for Mass, thoughout our lives, by ongoing doctrinal and spiritual formation. No soldier should rush untrained into battle. Neither should we think that we can conquer demons if we're flabby in our faith."
He brings those battles right home to me when he says that it occurs our attitude and thoughts during Mass; and my toes are especially sore after reading, "Maybe it's fighting off our smugness when we hear a homily riddled with grammatical errors." Guilty. Lord, have mercy. When we overcome this, "No one but God and His angels will notice that you didn't mentally critique Father's homily this week....So you don't get a medal; you win a battle instead." Thanks be to God!
Chapter Three - Parish the Thought
I was told, among many other untruths, that Catholics re-crucify Christ in the Mass. What's really happening is our participation in the ONE sacrifice, "perpetual and eternal." Gives me "glory bumps." I am so thankful to have a "network" of actual Catholics to patiently debunk the myths. As I journey closer to Rome, I have found myself with an all new kind of hungering for the Word, for spending time in prayer, and for the Eucharist. I am seeking God and He is showing me the right path.
Chapter Four - Rite Makes Might
"Now, heaven has been unveiled for us with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now is the communion God has created us for. Now, heaven touches earth and awaits you. Jesus Christ himself says to you : "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and he with Me." (Rev. 3:20)
Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.
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